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The Philosophy of Marketing (and Everything)

Marketing Philosophy
The Philosophy of Marketing

Everything starts (and ends) with Philosophy.

According to Wikipedia “Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.” Traditionally, the term "philosophy" referred to any body of knowledge.

Philosophical methods include: questioning, critical discussion, rational argument and systematic presentation. Classic philosophical questions include: Is it possible to know anything and to prove it.

Why Am I Talking About Philosophy?

It is a good question. I am a believer in studying data to improve knowledge, solve problems, create reason, and present fact – much like philosophy.

Data driven marketing, smart data marketing, real-time marketing – all buzz words of the moment, and predictably, the future. Just like philosophy, data it has many forms and meanings. It is the application of data in the marketing world which provides the knowledge to improve marketing campaigns.

But David, You Are Still Going On About Philosophy

Yes I am. Here is a test, a game, for you to try. Go to Wikipedia and search for “data”. When the page on data appears, click on the first non-italics word that appears, in this case “set”

Philosophy of marketing

Then when the page for Set appears, click on the first non-italic link, in this case “mathematics”

Philosophy of marketing

Keep doing this - and you will end in Philosophy!

Philosophy of marketing

Ok, so now I have proved it works for Data.

But you are still not convinced. So try starting with “Smart” and follow the same process. Now keep going, try again, this time with “real-time”. And this one is like a campaign, it will take a bit longer to get the end results, try “marketing”.

And this final one will get you there quicker “the future”. See, the future is in data, it is in smart data marketing, real-time marketing – it is just philosophy – data is the body of knowledge.

So David, now you have me intrigued – what next?

Ask Your Agency These 3 Questions

  1. What real knowledge of marketing do you have?
  2. How do you use insights to improve my marketing campaigns?
  3. Can you prove your results with cold hard facts?

If you don’t get rational answers, then use your free will ( to move to an agency who has a philosophy to deliver results.

PS. If you try the Wikipedia game for any word – you should end up at philosophy!

About the author

David Reid

David Reid

David previously worked with Europe’s No.1 Marketing Agency & the World’s No.6 biggest Integrated Marketing Agency, seeing first-hand how £150 million+ campaigns are executed to create household brands. Now he is the CEO of a specialist marketing agency helping companies of all sizes.

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